Wednesday 10 November 2010

Why do you work?

There are lots of reasons why people go to work, they love their jobs, they want to be independent, sitting at home all day would bore the pants off them and, frankly, daytime TV is enough to drive anyone out the door.
But one reason everyone has in common is the wages. We all expect to get paid for our graft and then use that money for all the usual bills, shopping and, if we're lucky in these days of austerity, a small treat or two.
Which is why I really can't agree with the coalition government plan to make people on the dole work for their benefits.
Yes, I understand the argument of getting in a routine, not sponging off the state, giving back to society. That is all correct and commendable but if you are going to make someone work a 40 hour week then they should get paid. Surely that is one of the reasons we appreciate having a job? How are you to get in the routine if there is no reward/wage at the end? Will people work a 40 hour week and still not have enough cash at the end for decent shopping, or sandwiches for their lunch while they are doing this graft for free? Will they just be another form of community payback without actually committing a crime? And if there is enough work for a 40 hour week then why in God isn't it a job anyway?
I understand catching out those with jobs on the side and making spongers with 60 inch TVs and enough cash for a holiday each year get off their arse but how do you differentiate unless you actually go to the house of each claimant (surely a new 40 hour week job in itself?)
The fact is some people don't work because they're damn lazy and, yes, ways of putting sanctions in place need to be found. But another fact is people don't work because there are no bloody jobs, in case the PM and side-kick Cleggy have forgotten WE ARE IN A RECESSION. That means redundancies, bankruptcies, less growth = no jobs.
Perhaps time would be better spent on policies to create employment and then get people into work, proper paid work. I'm sure many of them won't need forcing at all.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back blogging, you certainly have a point, pay is the only reason to work, in my view but that said, why do you and I work long hours, whilst the audience and subjects of the Jeremy Kyle show get pretty much same standard of living for sitting in front of the telly.

    As most working people find out, when they attempt to get help, when unemployed, the best their likely to get is a bit of pocket money and sometimes not even that.

    I used to think scroungers were a myth, but I now see that they represent a majority.

    I realise I might sound like some right wing nutter but that's how I see it.
